What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a natural system of healing that is safe, gentle and affordable.  It works with your body to relieve symptoms through encouraging your own vital force to restore itself and improve overall health. It is a holistic approach to health and healing with treatments that encompass the mental, emotional and physical planes of health. Instead of suppressing symptoms, homeopathy can empower your body to actually heal.

It was developed in the late 1700’s by German physician Samuel Hahnemann and was founded on Hippocrates original belief of “like cures like” which means that anything which can produce symptoms of disease in a healthy person can have a curative effect on those same symptoms in a sick person.

Today over 500 million people use homeopathy worldwide, and it is steadily gaining momentum and recognition due to its success. Most people have used or are familiar with Arnica Montana - the most popular homeopathic medicine in the world. Homeopathy is most widely used in India and South America, and over 30 million Europeans use homeopathy. Did you know that the late Queen Elizabeth II had a homeopathic physician, never traveled without her homeopathic kit and lived to 96 years old?

Homeopathy is recognized by the World Health Organization as the second largest therapeutic system in use in the world today.


Disclaimer: I am not a licensed medical doctor and make no such claim.  Please consult your physician if you have any concerns about your child’s health or your health at any point in time. Call 911 immediately, if you believe you are experiencing a medical emergency.