empowering healing...

Are you tired of endless doctor appointments and prescriptions drugs that don’t work?


Does your child suffer from:

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • aggression

  • vaccine induced injury


  • Encephalopathy

  • ASD

  • Lyme/Bartonella


Have you been told by dozens of doctors that it is all in your child’s head?


Has your child been sentenced to a lifetime of chronic illness?


Is your child unable to attend school?


Are you tired of trying to heal your child all on your own?


Did you know you have another option?


There is a different pathway to healing…


At Contemporary Homeopathy, I am familiar with your child’s health challenges because as a mother, I have lived through many of them myself.

Homeopathy treats each person as a unique individual and treatment suggestions are tailored to your child’s specific needs. Homeopathy offers healing solutions where western medicine typically offers a lifetime of prescription drugs and chronic illness.

At Contemporary Homeopathy you will be empowered with homeopathy to help heal your child.

“The practice of homeopathy is based upon science while its application is an art.”

The School of Homeopathy

Book a consultation today!

I am no longer accepting patients through my private practice.  I am now working exclusively at The Homeopathy Hive.  Please visit homeopathyhive.com if you are interested in working with me. 

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed medical doctor. The information or services provided herein is not meant to establish a patient-provider relationship, a standard of care, or offer medical, dietary, psychological, or therapeutic care, advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment and should not be relied on as such. The information or services are not intended to replace independent professional or medical judgment. If you have or suspect you or your child may have a health problem, consult your physician regarding personal medical care. If you have a medical emergency, please contact your medical doctor or 911.